Ola, son un debuxante e deseñador gráfico con sede en Vigo. Levo anos
adicado á ilustración de libros, á animación Flash, ao debuxo de prensa
e ao deseño gráfico para empresas. Se lle gustan os meus traballos, non
dubide en contactar comigo.
Hi, I’m an illustrator and graphic designer based in Vigo. I’ve spent years dedicated to the book illustration, animation with Flash, journal drawing and graphic design for companies. If you like my work, feel free to contact me.
e-mail: abrahamcarreiro@gmail.com
telf: +34 661 011 129
Hi, I’m an illustrator and graphic designer based in Vigo. I’ve spent years dedicated to the book illustration, animation with Flash, journal drawing and graphic design for companies. If you like my work, feel free to contact me.
e-mail: abrahamcarreiro@gmail.com
telf: +34 661 011 129